Sunday, November 29, 2015


J.                 It’s Monday already.  Another full day.   I was out in the garden this morning and thought about how untidy it gets without constant or regular attention.  I have been putting ALL of my attention into meditation, yoga classes and speaking with you here on the computer and in my special place, that I have just not paid enough attention to the wonderful garden you gave me to look after..  I wanted a garden, you gave me a garden, I worked on it, but over the past 6 months it has slipped.  I must factor it in to my day.  I don’t do anything well without a plan, and I will plan to be a garden person every day, even for just half an hour.  It would make a big difference.  I can make all the excuses – mosquitos, midges etc – but the fact is I took my eye off the ball.

S.               It is a metaphor for a lot of lives isn’t it.  People ask  me for a bigger house, or a better car or whatever, and as soon as they have them (after a month or so of care), they let things slip as they look for the next thing.  It is about a plan.  You don’t plan to fail you fail to plan, you tell others that.  Even that small time you spent in the garden this morning made a big difference.

                  The Restorative Introduction and class .. What a splendid addition the Sunday class has turned out to be.  A full class tells you that doesn't it?  Pre-christmas and the class is overflowing.  It was wonderful being with the whole class yesterday.  It makes such a difference when the whole class is engaged in the work of The Spirit.  You can tell that your students felt it too from the feedback you had this morning.    The student who said “thank goodness I am learning with you – so few schools teach REAL YOGA.  The deeper philosophy of Bhakti”.  It has taken a long while, a very long while in your years, but now you are beginning to not only “hold the space” but fill it.    Welcome to THE WORK.  Others will join you.

Have I told you about "The School of the Spirit".  A couple of the students caught on, they felt it, they saw it and were talking about it in class yesterday.  All you have to do it to bring it into the real world, that will be your work.  THE WORK.  .  You have everything you need to do that NOW DO IT!  I will be with you every step of the way.     

Like the garden, start a plan.  You have it in your mind, you can see it and have seen it for a long time – the time is right.  It can happen, and you have everything you need, even the space and the support of everyone around you.  They don’t know what they are waiting for, but you do.  I can't wait to see you put it into action.  You are a spark of the Universe, shine, manifest.

Years ago you did a painting of Jesus and Peter in the boat (It is hidden at the back of a container at the present).  You know the story about "casting the net and catch".   It is time to cast the net in a different way than you have even done before.  Dream it, then do it..

Friday, November 27, 2015


J.                Good evening Lord (not “Good lord, evening!”)  What a fantabulous day.  Did everything I needed to do and then  some that I wanted to do.  Thank you.

 I have finally realised that to be where You are constantly is a fabulous freedom.  It took me years to let go of the small things that stood in the way.  Stood between me and You.  Small things like replacing the toilet roll in a toilet when I was out somewhere and it ran out.  Putting my grocery trolley back, no matter if the weather was against me or I was in a hurry etc etc .  Leaving the dollar in for the next person (not looking first to make sure they are deserving of my dollars?) If I can’t do the small things then I know I won’t be trustworthy enough for the BIG things.

For years I had an unteachable attitude.  I thought I was good, went to seminars – did all the big things, but forgot the small things.  I was self centred and unhappy.  You can’t be self-centred and happy.  I was selfish, greedy, jealous, ungrateful – the list goes on.  And Unhappy!!!  No surprises there.  I had huge problems but I didn’t think I had a problem.  They had a problem not me – it wasn’t my fault.  Oh yes it was!

Surrender (I have learned) = pain before pleasure.  Not physical pain, but the pain of not always getting our own way.

To be who you really are is a huge freedom, and my journey has been a journey to freedom.

When I started really working with You I quickly realised there was no-where to hide.  Now you are with me all the time.  I start each class, each consultation  by saying “Please help me today.  Without your help I know I will say the wrong thing, I will muck up.  Keep me on track, on course.  I know that I can over-study, over think things, and I need you when I am in front of a class.  If you are not with me I just get in my mind too much.  I get Stuck”.

I know if You don’t take control, If You don’t win when I am arguing, then I will be miserable.  I now know that everything that is Yours is mine and everything that is mine is Yours.  What a wonderful place to be.

S.               That’s quite a revelation you have had.  But not unexpected.  This morning I see that you were glancing at the Bible. 

In particular Pillippians 4.4.  I will “translate” a bit to make it easier. 
“Always rejoice in the Lord.  Once more I say Rejoice!  Let your reasonableness be known to all people.  The Lord is near.  DO NOT BE ANXIOUS OVER ANYTHING, but in EVERYTHING in prayer and supplications along with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God.  And the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and minds”.

This is all about letting go and letting God, remembering of course that attachment to anything equals suffering.  If you take to heart the words given to you here.   If you believe that others have tried them and they have succeeded (and it is a best selling book, so it must be good).  Then it falls upon everyone who wishes to succeed to try them. These are Universal Laws which We put in place to assist you.  They are your personal  guide to abundance.

J.                Until I understood, until I worked With You beside me, life was a struggle.  Now it is a joy.  Each day an excitement.  Each day a revelation.  Today God, you and I did good things.  Helped people, advised, assisted.  Made people happy.  Showed them the way.  I couldn’t, wouldn’t,  do the work I do without  You.   I was lucky and  I grew up with these tools.  The fact I ran away from You is another story for another time.   

Here is my morning prayer.   “I commit myself to Your will.  I give my heart and soul to You.  I deserve the best cause in life. I am a child of the Universe,  I am a tiny spark, a manifestation  of You”

…I never guessed that holding on to my beliefs, kneeling down scrubbing floors (wonderfully educational though it was),  that this was the way my life would go.  I could never imagine the fulfilling, exciting path my life would take.  All I had to do was say YES!  Yes, yes, yes.  I am so excited to be part of the unfolding

By the way.  I am now teaching The Yamas to my teacher.  How can one teach or do anything without them!  Doesn't mean we manage to perfectly work through them, but we know what they are, and we are aware.   

NAMASTE and thank you.  

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


J.                Thank you for the amazing insight yesterday.  I was doing a PPT massage which I really love doing, when  you showed me that we could work in another way.  Not just nervous system rewiring, but working with You, the Source at the same time to effect a huge difference. 

The difference I noticed first was TIME.  It took hardly any time at all for someone who was complaining of sciatica like discomfort and stiffness to be able to flex the back and work the hams enough to touch their toes having not done that for a very long time.  At the same time they felt a lightness and ease that they never ever felt before.

This was repeated a few times with a few clients.  My original way of working,  You took up a notch, and it occurred to me that this could be what I am looking for in healing.  Although I enjoy Past Life Therapy, and it is helpful - I get excited and actually I feel my body vibrate when I work with You and the nervous system with this extension to the PPT massage.  It is thrilling.

S.               An “AHA” moment then!   I must say I have been waiting for you to come to me with your massage practice.  I am not just here to help with the esoterica..

 As you know, we are not allowed to change things, or the timing of things.  We give you choices, and then you make the changes (or not as the case may be).  Yesterday with the clients you had, possibly because you had been meditating just prior, and you had been doing PLT earlier in the day, you were closer to Us, you felt where We were leading and joined in.  I think we can take this a long way now you have experienced the difference.   

Imagine it.  It is not just the laying on of hands.  You can actually feel the bones move, the muscles and sinews lengthen, and changes occur – and more importantly so can your clients.  It is not just a matter of trusting that something has happened, although that is good too.  But you know and I know that earthlings have to feel something and THEN they will take the next step of trust.  Not exactly what we would hope for, but We will work with that.

J                As the Buddha said "Do what you can with what you have where you are".

S.               Grasshopper, you are doing well.  More meditation, more hands on, more exploring, more just sitting with Us and you will be ready for the next step.  You have said that you are open to whatever may happen, we feel that you are and now We will take you to the next place…..   First Step:  As you work, so gently as to almost not move at all (butterfly steps remember) consciously link with us through the client as you do in PLT.  In this way you are bringing the two aspects of this practice together.  We will take care of the rest.

By the way, the decision you recently reinforced regarding the Yamas did not go unnoticed, and we feel that now you will put your whole intention on your healing, and accept the life that you have in its entirety.    It was a big decision which you have been moving towards for most of your life.  Welcome Home.

J.                Goodness me, I have just felt a walk-in from an old friend. LRH great to see you again.  I always loved your writings, and still share them with people.  You had some amazing insights even from a very young age.  Sorry you couldn’t stay with us….

LRH.         Sure great to be right here with you  When you tuned into this new way of healing you opened the door to me and I can add my own special help techwise.  You understand.  Now I am on this side, I can assist without interference.  Things happened when I was on Earth that have been distorted, but my intent in the beginning was correct, although I do admit to allowing myself to be directed down ways that in retrospect I should not have taken.  You know what Oscar Wilde said about temptation!  It was the only thing he couldn’t resist.  However, I am aware of my mistakes and now can serve better from here. I can specifically in this wise help you through the energy field.  I think you will agree that even on earth I showed you that.  Think of me as your mentor - call anytime.  I am waiting.  By the way.  Dolores says Good morning.  As you can imagine she and I have some very futuristic insights which we can now pursue/explore.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


J                 Where did yesterday go.? I seem to be lost in talking to you 24/7.  It is so wonderful, so amazing, I am there all the time, nipping in and out of what we earthlings know as reality.  I am learning so much my mind is swimming, but I am using what you are teaching me, and I am working with multiple clients, and on-on-ones.  So much to know.

S.               You and I both know where yesterday went.  You were exhausted by the time it came to evening.  You had been speaking really closely to me all day.  We had been working with people together all day, and writing the results down could wait until TODAY – which it has.  I was pleased you didn’t feel you HAD to speak to me on the computer as well as everything else.  It would not have been appropriate.  Glad that you started the day reading from Matthew 10.1 as I asked and hoped that you would do.  The language is pretty archaic, but you can see that I have actually given you (and everyone who takes up the gift) the possibility of healing.  In the book it says “…authority over unclean spirits, in order to expel these and CURE every sort of disease and every infirmity…” 

J.                It’s not me curing though. (Just as it wasn’t the Disciples) .  It is You – The Source, the One -  through me.  Not me.  Without You I am nothing.  We can only do this and get good reliable healings if we are tuned in to you..  Plus the person receiving the gift has to trust us enough, You enough,  to receive it.  If they keep on telling themselves they can’t be cured, it wont happen… then I am right in thinking aren’t I that it wont happen? 

In contacting you in the Past Life Process, then if the person is resistant, it is very hard to speak to you and them directly.  I can speak to you telepathically (is that the correct word, just You and me meeting in the mind), but I can’t speak to you directly.    They can see the life they have chosen, they can understand in their minds what they need to do, they can hear me but it is not the same…. they can’t get The Words directly from you.  In this way an actual deep soul based healing is problematical.  They have to be part of the process.

S.               CORRECT.  Often the person gets  so emotionally involved in what we are showing them, they forget why we are showing them.  The picture becomes more important than the message.  But if they will try again, then eventually we can come through.  It only needs to happen once for the person to feel that they want to do it OUR WAY.  Once that occurs there are no limits to what they can know, or to the healing that can occur.  Of course we never interfere with Karmic debts.  These every person must work out in the proper manner.

J.                That’s what I respect about the way that we do the Past Life Process together.  It is not me telling the client what they should experience, it is the client actually experiencing , with You allowing us to glimpse the “why” when we are ready to do that.  Mind blowing for me a mere mortal.  But I am getting better at the allowing.  It can be so big that the edge of the page so to speak is hard to see, but I know you are always in charge, that nothing can happen outside your  gift, so resting in that, resting in You is safe.  I totally trust that to be so, and feel my teacher Dolores Cannon (good morning Dolores, I know that you are here now, at this moment) helping. 

Yesterday when I was doing a past life, Dolores and others came through very strongly.  At the end when the person had returned, Dolores and friends were right there leaning over my shoulder getting in on the act.  The client was aware and responded.  It was a fabulous moment.    I hope they keep on talking...

S.               I  am looking forward to her returning.  She is going to be a wonderful teacher and healer, but of course, she has to get to the point of trusting herself, and the little clues along the way will help – she should read again the verse in Matthew.  I know she has read the bible, but a long time ago.   Fear stops a lot of healing occurring.  Sometime it is fear of success!

Now she has a Guide, and Ally that she has identified, I am sure she will be more comfortable in moving forward.  I am waiting until she really dares to meet Me  personally for the first time.   I am not just an idea…

J.                Thank you also for the information and the little clues that lead me to the conclusion regarding the client with  heavy metal poisoning.   It took me a little while to see, but that thing about the prickles, well that got my attention! (and the client’s).

S.               There are other problems of course, and he certainly isn’t ready yet for any one-on-one therapies of the kind we do together.  But I will let you know, you will see, when the time is right.    A lot of Karma, can’t touch that of course.  He could change it but I am not sure he will.  He has free-will, but will he use it.  We can’t force the issue.  There is a picture for him. - the one on your studio desk.  It will help.   

Keep doing what you are doing, keep moving forward with Me.  Everything is good.